J.R. Tucker High School
Band and Orchestra
Henrico, VA

New Member FAQ
What is Music Showcase?
Every spring, JR Tucker Music Department hosts Music Showcase Festivals. This is a great opportunity for us to welcome grade school music groups to our facility, work with Music Tours Unlimited, and raise money for our band! Groups come to Tucker to perform before a panel of "adjudicators whose comments will prove educational to both young and experienced music groups. Students benefit not only from the excitement of competitive performance, but also from the opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable day at one of North America's greatest theme parks" as they proceed to Kings Dominion after performing. The band boosters prepare the campus for these visitors, greet them, provide some hospitality for the judges as well as concessions for performers in the early part of the day, and then present awards at Kings Dominion in the evening.
Who can be in Band?
J.R. Tucker High School offers band classes for every level of player from beginner to advanced. However, a student interested in playing a musical instrument in marching band will need previous experience. This experience may be from participation in middle school band or director-approved private background such as lessons.
Do I have to Audition to be in the Band?
No. All students are welcome. New students will be placed in Beginning Band or may choose to audition for Intermediate or Advanced Band.
What kind of Credit does a student receive for band?
Students will have the opportunity to audition for All-County Band, Regional Orchestra, and All-District Band. Select students may also audition for All-State Band and Solo and/or Ensemble Festival. Students may be invited to or may request to be nominated for outside opportunities. J.R. Tucker High School also offers opportunities for students to participate in pep band, musical pit orchestra, and ensembles.
What is Charms Office?
Charms Office is the management system used by the Tucker Band and Orchestra for parents/students to keep track of contact information, finances, inventory, forms, and more. Each student/parent in the program has a specific log-in password where he/she can view and update important information, volunteer, check on finances, and communicate with music staff members.
Log-in directions and passwords are only provided by the director. New students/parents should contact the director for his/her password. Charms Office provides real-time data to parents and instant access to information via computer or mobile devices. Students/parents can log-in by accessing the band website and clicking on "Charms Office" in the menu bar.
What do Band Fees pay for?
Parents and guardians of current band members are automatically part of the band boosters organization. The J.R. Tucker Band Boosters, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, does not charge a fee for participation as a booster member. All individuals interested in furthering the education and experience of Tucker band students are welcome to help free of charge!
What other Fees are required for participation in band?
HCPS charges an $8 music fee and a $40 uniform rental fee that is collected during "Fee Night" at the beginning of the school year. These fees are not collected by our Band Boosters. There are NO rental fees for students using school-issued instruments. We do ask that parents have the instruments serviced/cleaned at the end of the year.
What is Concert Attire?
Students are expected to wear tuxedos (males) and black gowns (females.) These items are provided & maintained through band fees. Students are expected to bring black socks, black shoes, and appropriate undergarments. Students are also expected to take proper care of their clothing by hanging them and returning them to storage after each performance.
What is Call Time?
It is usually about an hour before a concert to allow time to change into concert attire, warm-up, set-up, etc.
Are there Band Rehearsals outside the regularly-scheduled class?
Yes. Sectionals and special rehearsals may be scheduled during A/E. Morning rehearsals (typically starting at 7:15) will be scheduled prior to concerts including Veteran's Day, Holiday Gala, Assessment, Spring Concert, and Graduation. Morning rehearsals will be posted on the band calendar ahead of time.
Why do we Fundraise?
Band Boosters is an independent organization. We support the band in many ways; most notably, volunteer support and financial backing. In order to enrich the band program, we conduct several annual fundraisers.
Why do we Rake Leaves?
Our program receives a lot of support from the community throughout the year. From spectators at Free-For-All, to sponsorships, local businesses & individuals do their part to enrich the music program at J.R. Tucker. This is our way to give back to the community while raising some money for our program. Helping neighbors helps us and says thanks.