J.R. Tucker High School
Band and Orchestra
Henrico, VA
Concert Black Attire
Students will be responsible for acquiring their own components for concert black. See images below for reference. The first time you will need this is for our Veteran's Day performance on 11/11.
Concert black is completely black. Concert black is formal, classy, and elegant. Students are free to choose the components of their concert blacks (all black from head to toe) within the following guidelines:
• black collared dress shirt
• black dress pants, slacks, skirt, or dress (skirt length is at the knee or longer)
• black socks or black opaque stockings/tights
• black shoes
What is NOT Concert Black Attire?
• Jeans, sweats, warm-up pants, yoga pants, leggings, mini-skirts or shorts
• T-shirts, polos, tank tops, spaghetti straps, halter tops, or crop tops
• Flip-flops, sports shoes, sneakers, black shoes with colored stripes or logos
• White socks, colored socks, no-socks, bare legs, or bare feet
Some hints on putting together your Concert Black Attire
• Because students are growing, borrowing from older siblings, parents, or even aunts, uncles & cousins (especially shoes) is a great idea
• If you decide to buy, allow for growing (not quite clown suit big, but enough for a year or two)
• Thrift stores can be a great place to find more dressy clothing in good shape
• Students simply need to be dressed up nicer than what is worn to school, a sporting event, etc.
If you need cannot obtain concert black, please speak to Mr. Frank by the Fall Concert. The first performance we need concert black for is our Veteran’s Day performance on November 11.