J.R. Tucker High School
Band and Orchestra
Henrico, VA

Tucker Invitational
Tucker Invitational: All the Fun of Halftime without the Football!
Previously known as "Free For All" - this will be the 15th year for this fabulous event.
We will still have the clinic and feedback offered at Free For All and are adding a competition session to round out the day
Saturday, September 21, 2019.
Location: Hermitage High School*
*Note the location! - our home stadium has been demolished to make way for a new school so we are relocating temporarily to a neighboring high school!
We are actively looking for Event sponsors and Trophy Sponsors!
Tucker Band Families - While this is a "Marching" event, the funds raised benefit the band and strings programs all year long, so we need active participation from all families and there are a variety of ways to help - coming soon.